Elevate Your Memories with Printique In an age dominated by digital screens, finding a way to preserve and cherish our most treasured memories in a tangible and lasting form can be a...
Yes, that's right... we're back at it again with another review of a Yuneec Aerial System - the Typhoon H! So much new tech has hit the market in the last year and Yuneec has done a great job of...
These days it seems like they're everywhere! They've been above our heads and capturing aerials for years now, they may soon be delivering packages right to our front doors, and they've caused controversy all...
Compact, portable and completely affordable, Yuneec's new Breeze flying camera has just been announced. This little drone (less than 1lbs!) looks really cool. Not only does it look bad ass, it's also...
What happens when you mix outdoor enthusiasts with professional photographers and product designers? A company that develops gear suitable for outdoor photographers and adventurers alike, that’s what!...
Light painting can be a fun and creative addition to any photography. Put simply, for those who aren’t aware of what light painting is, it is a method of utilizing the long exposure on a camera and a moving...
So you've taken the plunge, dug deep into your pockets and purchased a quadcopter, learned to pilot it and captured amazing footage and photos. How awesome is that? Welcome to the club! Flying a quadcopter...
We are entering a new era of video where we expect more. With software and hardware developing as quickly as it is, why not? The problem with traditional video footage is that we are limited to what the...
Life is full of those little moments. Whether you're actively seeking out the adventure, or the adventure finds you, you never know when that urge to document the moment may become very necessary. Thanks to...
In the world of camera gear, new items hit the market all the time. Every once in awhile an interesting concept comes along and becomes that item you didn’t know you needed and now can’t function without....
When Yuneec launched the Typhoon line of drones, it launched the Typhoon Q500 4K and it featured a high quality 4K camera built by Yuneec. But the industry demanded more! Pilots all over were asking for a...
Hand-held Stabilizers have come a long way over the years. From simple balanced mechanical stabilizers to advanced systems that rely on software to stabilize your awkward motions, the market has grown and...