Camacho’s style, attitude, and consistency have propelled its brand into the forefront of the boutique cigar industry. Every breath of rich smoke fuels the life of their “Live Loud” motto. Built on the unwavering compromises of Daniel Rodriguez, Camacho cigars have created a take-no-prisoners approach to turning out easily accessible, top-tier stogies. The newest addition to this line, the Nicaraguan Rum Barrel Aged delight, showcases another incarnation of the Barrel Aged line.
“From its Cuban roots and storied past, to 40 years of self-imposed exile, Camacho Corojo is the quintessential embodiment of what we call “The Original Bold Smoke.”
“The unsurpassed result of man’s relentless effort to improve what nature could provide. Cultivated as much from the soil as the soul of a fearless craftsman, its robust flavor is as undeniably unique, as it is original. Distinct in its ability to stimulate the senses, Corojo is one of the only tobacco strains that require no blending with other varieties. It’s a smoke that smokes best alone, uncompromised, and never held back.” ~ The Camacho Team
What’s Inside:
This Barrel-Aged line has been in the works for a while with Camacho and every new edition they put out has a distinct, unique quality while holding on to the traditions and bar set by the previous releases. The expert construction is the tie that binds between the lines and allows each element to speak its own voice. The Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers are perfectly hugged by the Ecuador Habano, which sets up an even burn with a great draw.
Light with a little tug, the medium pull on the draw doesn’t let the burn get out of control, while still allowing for an easy flow of air to weave its way through the tobacco. Set up by the hand crafted construction, the Nicaraguan Barrel Aged Corojo evolves as the smoke unfolds, letting the Camacho claims of superior quality and standards shine through step into the forefront with the relaxed air flow.
Showing a touch of peaks and valleys throughout the duration of the smoke, they Nicaruaguan Barrel Aged was able to correct itself with a simple spin of the cigar. Another element of this cigar that backs up all of the bold talk and promises Camacho touts, the burn just checks off another box on what makes a great cigar. Without having to constantly tend to the burn, your hands are freed up to do other things like pair the rum barreled aged tobacco with a rum or cocktail of your own choosing.
- Coffee
- Black Pepper
- Leather
- Toasted Spices
- Cedar
- Cooking Caramel
The bold black pepper that steps out of the gate, driving the flavor of this smoke down the fast lane with no regrets. The balancing sweetness of the slight hints of rum and candied caramel evens the playing field and allows the nuanced that are crafted into the cigar to shine through. Hints of Bing cherry, rich leather, and robust espresso are allowed to develop and evolve with the added complexity of the aging time spent in the rum barrels. This style of barrel aging is not only a growing trend but a way of naturally imparting unique characteristics that bend and pull the traditional characters into new roles in the flavor profile.
Hovering just above $5.00 a stick, the Toro size of the Nicaraguan Barrel Aged will smoke for about an hour. With a price like that, a smoking time where it’s able to showcase changing elements, and consistent quality, you’re going to be hard-pressed to find something better. Bringing the boutique quality to an everyday value, Camacho once again makes a damn fine cigar accessible for the cigar-loving masses.
- Construction
- Flavor
- Aroma
- It's All Good
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