From the first cigar rolled for Garo Cigars in 1995, to the last one rolled just now, the vision Dr. Garo Bouldoukian has been to create a cigar line that showcases the harmony that can exist between brash tobaccos and a soothing construction, creating a happy and delicious middle ground. Dr. Garo’s unwillingness to cut corners has resulted in an opulent style that weaves rich, potent tobaccos into a tapestry of unique smoking experience. The Adamas line is a culmination of dedication, implementation, and gambles.

Garo Adamas ReviewWhat’s Inside?

  • Wrapper: Habano 2000 Ecuador
  • Binder: Habana
  • Filler: Corillo 98
Garo Maduro Especial Breakdown


The oily Habano 2000 Ecuador wrapper that encases the spicy Corillo 98 filler and Habana binder holds on tight enough to make an impression throughout the smoke, and loose enough to step aside so that the nuances of the inner tobaccos can shine through. Falling in line with the raised bars that Dr. Garo Bouldoukian has set for his cigars, the Adamas line might be the best example of how the mingling of cigar elements can come together to create something truly unique and noteworthy.

Garo Adamas Review


Light, and dare I describe it as “breathy” the Adamas features a smooth, cool draw that shows off the meticulous attention to detail in the construction. The Habano 2000 Ecuador wrapper encases the binder in a loose, casual grip, allowing a steady stream of breath to flow through the cigar, giving it the chance to not only evolve and let the subtle nuances of flavors shine, but helps to generate a steady burn.


No one likes a show off, but the Adamas has all the right “Ashets”. While the puns might be bad, the silvery-grey ash was proof that the quality of the Corillo 98 filler is allowed to shine through without compromise. Following the path Dr. Garo has set with his high standards, there was not a trace of coning, and not a need for a lighter correction throughout the smoke. 

Garo Adamas ReviewAroma:

Prelit :

  • Dark Chocolate
  • Roasted Cashews
  • Fresh Coffee


  • Cracked Black Pepper
  • Tanned Leather
  • Rich Earth


“Adamas has a fresh, clean tobacco taste, quickly giving way to a panoply of flavors, starting with distinct spiciness and settling into coffee-like notes mixed with nuts and leather. Progressing through the halfway point, mocha and exotic floral notes lead to a beautifully-nuanced finish that will always leave the smoker wanting it to last just a little longer, even after an hour.” ~Garo Cigars

While I agree with their assertion of the Adamas, what truly impressed me was how all of the elements of the cigar came together to create a relaxed smoking experience. The blending of fresh-cracked pepper into the afore mentioned floral notes, was a tasty juxtaposition of what a well-constructed cigar can be. Bitterness was left by the wayside, and overtones of bold coffee and dark cocoa shone through as the cigar evolved.

Garo Adamas Review

The first few puffs were like the beginning rumblings of When the Levee Breaks by Zeppelin; potent and robust, driving full force until it settles into a harmony, that steps in time to compose something brilliant.

Garo Adamas ReviewValue:

Garo Cigars are still relatively elusive, but the chase is always the fun part. Tracking them down, and finding a shop that isn’t sold out gives cigar lovers that feeling of accomplishment, like they have the best toy on the block that no one else has. Value can be measure in a plethora of ways, but my favorite is in how the cigar delivers. The Adamas delivered on every aspect, and exceeded expectations on every account.

Grab a sample here, and treat yourself to a decadent smoke.

Garo Adamas - Cigar Review
Elegant with a punch, you're in for a long, smooth smoke.
Construction 9.5
Flavor 9.3
The Good:
  • Construction
  • Draw
  • Overall Experience
The Not so Good:
  • A little hard to find
9.3Overall Score
Reader Rating: (4 Votes)

About The Author


Serving nearly a decade in the Wine & Spirits industry in roles ranging from floor sales to head of internet marketing, Ryan’s love for the craft behind the spirit took root. Using his love of writing to justify delving into tall frosty pints of hoppy IPAs, smoky drams of Scotch and glasses of complex wine, exploring the passion behind the bottle is the true excitement. In between chasing his two kids and keeping his wife’s champagne glass full, he finds time to sit down and pluck out his adjective-laden ramblings to pay for his vices.

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