Cigars are a funny thing; to some they are a celebratory sign, marking a milestone, special occasion, or memory. To other they are an everyday routine, pairing perfectly with a morning coffee, an after work cocktail, or simply a way to melt the day away. Still, to others cigars just simply fail to deliver a satisfaction of any sort, but we’re not here to talk about them. We’re here to delve into the robust nature of the Oliva Serie V Double Toro.
The Oliva Cigar Company was born from the love of cigars. The family had been growing tobacco in Cuba since the 1880’s and when the climate changed in the 1960’s Gilberto Oliva took his love of the leaf to Nicaragua where the Cuban seeds had found fertile ground to grow. The Serie V is a perfect embodiment of the drive, determination, and bold attitude of the Oliva family.
What’s Inside:
- Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Jalapa Valley Ligero
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Oliva has created a double toro that has a beautiful balance form the mellow Connecticut Broadleaf and the fiery Jalapa Valley Ligero. As one of the most potent parts of the tobacco plant, the Ligero usually will take over and dominate a flavor profile, but Oliva has used the Nicaraguan binder as sort of mediator between the two, finding a middle ground that the two opposing forces can agree on.
Although at times the draw began to tighten up, it was surprisingly smooth for a 60 gauge smoke. The air that was allowed to travel through the binder brought out a great depth in flavor and showcased a great overall construction.
The even burn added to the accolades of the construction. Only having to correct the burn twice, it did nothing to detract from the experience of the cigar. The great white ash, which makes me feel a little dirty to say, showed the true craftsmanship that goes into every rolled cigar. Oliva has been in the cigar business for over a hundred years and every puff was a testament to the level of skill they have developed.
Prelit :
- New Leather
- Café con Leche
- Earth
- Burnt Coffe
- Roasted Hickory
- Roasted Coffee
The rich roasted coffee flavors of the Nicaraguan binder blend with hints of burnt brittle from the robust ligero and create a sort of beautiful dance between the two flavors. The cigar started like any good boxing match does, with a stiff punch to the face, and ended with a bone-shattering body shot of potency. But the story of the cigar resides with the rounds in between. The soft flavors of Café con Leche from the Connecticut Broadleaf makes the middle rounds easy and mellow before the Ligero sneak up with a sucker punch.
For around $8.75 a cigar you will more than likely not find another double toro that has the balance, depth, and style of the Oliva V Serie. If you’re looking for a smoke that will both linger for good long while, and a balance that’s hard to find for such a large coffering under $10.00, then this is your smoke.
Buy Now: $8.75 or to learn more, go to:
- Great Value
- Balance
- Middle section harmony
- Ending was a touch harsh
This is one of the best cigar i ever smoked,a really very good taste!!
They used to be good…now every time I get a box over half of them run and wint stay lit..way too expensive to have to put up with that