Hailing from TACASA in Estelli, one of the most well noted cigar factories in the mecca of Nicaraguan cigars, the Blood Red Moon Cigar is a surprising and complex little smoke. Cult Cigars is the labor of love shared between father and son, Carlos and Chris Sanchez. With their years of experience owning and operating Reel Smokers Cigar Shop in Florida, they came together to create quality cigars at ridiculous prices. As I continued to research the line, what I found out truly baffled me, not so much because of the care and time they take making their cigars, but for the price tag. A pack of five hand made, mini corona, Estelli-born cigars is only going to dent your wallet about $12.50.
What’s Inside?
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian-Habano
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaraguan
The Ecuadorian-Habano conceals a long filler of Nicaraguan filler and binder. What this basically means is that you are going to be paying a pittance for an incredibly smooth smoke. The Blood Red Moon was made to be enjoyed, shared and smoked, not ripped apart to have every minuscule detail poured over. Like their motto states: “Life’s too short to smoke alone. Join the Cult.” These are celebratory cigars and should be enjoyed that way.
This tiny delight is packed full of flavor and surprises. A cool and slow draw creates the perfect vehicle for the soft cocoa spice that comes with every breath. With an unexpectedly cool draw, the flavors have chance to shine through, while in other cigars the overwhelming heat of the draw masks the cigar’s characteristics.
The burn of the cigar was pretty even all the way through, with little to no re-lighting or retouching. Having smoked my fair share of cigars I paid WAY too much for that left me more disappointed than I care to remember, the construction on these little guys is a breath of fresh air.
Pre Lit:
- Dry Nuts
- Rich wood
- Leather
- White Chocolate
- Robust Spice
- Vanilla
- Leather
- Oak
The first thing that jumped out at me was how mellow this medium-bodied mini corona is. Vanilla, oak and a balanced nutty flavor dominate the palate, contrasting the spicy smoke. Again, and I’m sorry to beat this horse into an early grave, but for the price, the amount of flavor is outrageous.
Blood Red Moon is a prime example of a ton of quality packed into a tiny package for only $12.50 a five-pack. I’m not exactly sure how they are able to keep the price so low, and to tell you the truth I don’t think I really want to know, I’m just glad that Cult Cigars is putting high quality product within reach of the masses, and for that I tip my cap, my glass and cigar.
Buy Now: 12.50 / 5pk. for more info go to: CultCigars.com
I truly enjoy these in the perfecto size and having gone through a box of 50 or 10 boxes of depending on how you look at it the draw can be overly tight on those perfectos.
I truly enjoy these in the perfecto size and having gone through a box of 50 or 10 boxes of 5 depending on how you look at i think i can fairly say the draw can be overly tight on about half those perfectos.